Design Information
Floral Neckline E small 6.97w X 3.91h
Stitches: 9062
Floral Neckline E large 10.04w X 5.63h
Stitches: 9062
In line with our mission to provide you with the best quality embroidery products possible, you will receive both sizes with your purchase. You do not need to select your desired size at checkout. This will help you better embroider on a broader range of projects as you will not have to resize this design yourself and risk ruining the ideal design properties set while being digitized.
1. Popular Purple R9019
2. Foliage Green R5842
3. Popular Purple R9019
4. Foliage Green R5842
5. Limerick R9121
6. Lemon Fluff R9003
7. Popular Purple R9019
8. Lemon Fluff R9003
9. Tulip Lavender R9167
10. Iris R5588