Hatch Digitizing Level 1 Lesson 2


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Digitizing is all about practice and applying the foundation you learn into different techniques. This lesson continues on where the last lesson left off… we’ve included five new design projects which all create slightly different looks based on the artwork and medium.

Important: This lesson is no longer available for purchase individually. To help you save and because most embroiderers purchase all of Level 1 anyways, it’s now bundled in Level 1 of our Digitizer’s Dream Course. If you’re new to our site, you can enroll in our Free Embroidery Digitizing 101 Course.

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Digitizing is all about practice and applying the foundation you learn into different techniques. This lesson continues on where the last lesson left off… we’ve included five new design projects which all create slightly different looks based on the artwork and medium.

Each design has been posted as a separate video lesson so you can work on each one independently, making it easy to complete the entire lesson before moving onto the next. I will give you introductions for each so we can assess the artwork, come up with a plan, and then we’ll load the design into the program and start digitizing.

Once you’ve worked through all five designs you will have successfully learned to control your inputs at the selected scale within the software. Inputting stitches to create just the right amount of detail will at this point start to feel like second nature, and you will now be equipped for the next lesson which will explore more realism and blending colors.

The run time on these 5 videos is approximately 70-80min dependent on the software. Because these are Interactive lessons, the user will be following along, pausing and playing thru the process of digitizing the exercises. You can expect the time spent completing all the exercises within this and all our lessons will undoubtedly take many hours. Please keep in mind that there are many factors which will determine how fast each individual is, remember this is not a race.
BONUS VIDEO: Creative Digitizing Made Easy Applique
Now that you have a solid foundation its time to start getting creative. In this session you’ll learn the principles of many different types of applique’s and how to use them effectively to expand your creativity.

Be inspired with help from expert digitizer John Deer, it’s never been so quick and easy to learn and apply “Creative Digitizing” techniques. John’s easy to understand approach will provide a hands-on, step-by-step and easy-to-follow lesson that will guide you through a design from start to finish, your own sewn results will prove it!

No matter what software you use, or how long you have been digitizing, this “Creative Digitizing Made Easy” series is a must for those who want to take their creativity to the next level.

Run time: approx. 55 minutes
