Perla Premium Level 2 Certification


Level 2 Certification Lesson:
This is an “Optional Certification” lesson that will implement everything learned within Level 2.

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Level 2 Certification Lesson: 
This is an “Optional Certification” lesson that will implement everything learned within Level 2.
In our Level 2 Certification Lesson you will digitize a design containing lettering, which will be done using the manual pathing exercises and theory taught throughout Level 2, including push and pull compensations, underlay control and density as well as proper mapping .
Once you’re done you will upload your finished file and I will personally critique the file.

Please note: Send in your finished certification design by emailing the finished design file in your software brand’s format to:  Please include your first and last name, your software brand and the level which you’ve completed in the email subject. For example: John Deer Hatch Level 3 Certification.
